Junk Removal St. Charles, MO & St. Louis, MO

We know you're busy. That's why we've made it easy to get an estimate for our crews to remove your junk with just a few clicks.

  1. First, choose a load below. Need to know how much space your junk will take? Select the tab "By item" and get an estimated price based on your items.

  2. Once you've decided what to get rid of, click "Book" when ready.

  3. Fill out the contact form, and our specialist will contact you to confirm your order.

How to Order

  • 1. Order

    Place your order online or over the phone with our customer service representative.

  • 2. Confirmation

    Expect a call or email for order confirmation.

  • 3. Reserve

    Secure reservation by placing a 50% deposit with credit card, cash or check.

  • 4. Agreement

    Wait for an email with your rental agreement and invoice.

  • 5. Finalize

    Expect a call or email 1-2 days prior to your event to finalize event and order information.

If you have questions about our junk removal services or pricing, please call Rentamatics to discuss your specific junk removal needs and pricing.
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